The Power of Lucky Charms and Little Gems in Our Life.

I think we all have something in our life, no matter in which form that we connect with memories, emotions, feelings and safety. To be a bit more specific, I'm speaking about lucky charms or gifts we got from friends, family members or any other special soul in this world. I actually have a few of them since I strongly believe in the energy which is caught in those things. For example the one jacket I got from my mother once when I was younger. I don't know where she is now but when I wear that jacket I know she's close with me again. There's a small holographic Panda key chain I got from my friend Emily early last year when she was in Berlin for a visit. I have attached it to my favorite faux leather jacket so she's with me all the time. Coming the strongest of all, which is my traveller ring. This ring is my very first ring from a very close brand I work together with since years already. This ring is so unbelievable powerful to me. If you follow me for longer already you can probably remember my stories and posts like this old one or this in Hamburg where I took my rune ring with me. It protects me on my travels. I struggle with Agoraphobia, means I'm afraid of going to places which are out of my comfort zone. It's gotten better over the years a lot already but still fear long distances, especially when I have a journey in front of me over a long time, to two different countries at once including one country which I have never been to before. So much at once. My rune ring is calling. But you know what happened?....


It's gone...Since like around two weeks...and I can't find it anymore.
I was looking everywhere.. really.. everywhere in every single pocket of my thousands of cardigans and jackets. Was looking at my workplace, friend's house, under my bed, in every corner and pocket. It's not there anymore. and I feel like my world is ripping apart. Imagining to go on a journey without this ring which is full with protecting it's impossible. And I keep telling myself I won't survive this trip without this ring. You must think I'm crazy but actually, these are things which help you to overcome your fear or make you a little less anxious. Yet if losing it can turn it into a nightmare. 

I won't give up on the hope to find the ring again. Maybe it got lost in a really unexpected place. Slipped off while rummaging in my dresser or in one of my thousand bags or pockets. You know how much I love pockets but this is one negative point of it. Everything's getting lost in them :D I have no idea where to search anymore but I will never give up the hope. But still there's the flight in front of me next week. 

Had it with me each time I went to my hometown to visit my sister

or took spontaneous trips like when I met a really cool guy on Couchsurfing and went to Berlin with him for one day

the time I lived in Berlin for a month and commuted between my home and my work place there every weekend

or my last trip to Amsterdam in November 17

I messaged Rogue + Wolf the brand who brought this ring to life and told them about what happened. They know how much I feel connected to the ring. They know how much I love their brand. So they were so kind and surprised me with another one as replacement to take it with my on my journey  I mean it is not the same. It's empty still, like a raw diamond without its polish or like a soul gem from Skyrim without a soul caught in. It's an empty shell, but this shell is ready to get filled with new energy. Maybe my other one was full already and it got lost for a good reason.

and below there's my new gem!

I'm really looking forward to the Super Blue Blood Moon today on the 31st of January to fill it with the first flow of strong energy!

I wrote this post not only for myself from own interest but for this wonderful brand and also for each one of you who is reading this in hope to help you out in case you struggle with similar things. If you haven't yet try to get something where you can really feel the power in. Something that you love from the bottom of your heart. A gem you connect with someone who means the world to you. It can be a stone, a jewelry piece, a plushie, even a simple piece of paper, it doesn't matter as long as it has a history in it which you believe in.

I want to speak out another endless thanks to Rogue + Wolf for being so super lovely and understanding towards my feelings. I can't wait to take you with me on my journey to London and New York City. You'll be with me with love and magic to keep me safe on my adventure. Touching the skyscrapers of that huge city!


  1. Kim! Das ist ja ein Zufall! Gerade vor ein paar Wochen habe ich auch meinen Metal Schutzengel, den ich immer in der Tasche hatte, und der für mich die selbe Bedeutung hatte wie dein Ring für dich, verloren! Es ist genau wie bei dir: ich werde nie aufhören ihn zu suchen! Auf jeden Fall, danke das du das geteilt hast! Ich fühle mich jetzt besser �� Viel Glück! ��

    1. Kimi* Sorry D: <3 Und nochmal sorry für deinen verloren Glücksbringer :( Ich glaube fest daran, dass du ihn wieder findest <3 Ich habe auf meinem Trip in NYC wieder neue kleine Dinge dazu bekommen die mich beschützen und besondere Energie in sich tragen. Mit jedem verlorenen Schatz macht man Platz für etwas neues. Und wenn das nicht eintritt findet man Verlorenes wieder <3 Ich danke dir für dein süßes Kommentar und wünsche dir eine schöne Restwoche! <3 :*

  2. I honestly think that those lucky charms and gems are very lovely too...just like you!
