March 4, 2017

Witch Casket

Hey my magical Witches!

Today I want to review my package which I have received from Witch Casket. These two ladies who brought this idea to life are based in UK and, believe me or not but these two are daughter and mum! How cute is that even?! I just read it right now on their website and, honestly, I'm crying a little, no joke.To one side because it's really the cutest thing ever, but to the other it's something I secretly dream about. Even knowing where my mother is would be enough to me. But anyway....

 back to the post!
I made an unpacking story on my Instagram this week but didn't showed you everything there yet. I got two boxes, one with a couple things from January and the second with the magic from February. The boxes are completely focused on witchy things also vegan and cruelty-free so this is actually exactly what I was always looking for! 

Firstly I show you the items from the January box

Witch's Brew Mug &
Cupper Lemon & Ginger Tea

The Mug is one of my favorites from all the things since I always wanted to own something where I can sip my black coffee out of! The tea is great, not my favorite flavour but great in quality. Cupper is a really awesome brand and I have seen their assortment in organic markets a couple times already. They have the cutest packages and everything is organic and fair trade!

Anti-Anxiety Smelling Salts

This little cute thing here seems to be one of my followers favorite's since I got so much feedback on it from my Instagram Stories. I own a similar helper, a chocolate-mint flavored roller already which helps me so much whenever I feel overwhelmed in social situations or when I feel upset. Smelling it makes me super happy and calms me down again. This here smells more flowery and herbal. Dead Sea and Epsom Salts infused with pure Bergamot, Ylang-Ylang and Lavender oils so it's perfect if you like smells like that plus the box is super cute and easy to carry around in your pocket! Must be super cute if you put it out and people ask you what it is ♥

Incense Sticks

You can never have enough incense sticks! I love to lighten them in the evening or right before bed. Whenever I do this I always have very intense streams and cam remember them in the morning. It can also support your rituals or mediation sittings :) 

Witch Casket Book of Spells

I'm so happy about this cute journal book! On the first page it has this really true and inspiring note which is new to me. On the back there's a Pentagram as well which you can see in the pictures below with the Treasure Chest.

This is what I had in the February Box. It is inspired by Valentine's Day so there's a focus on love and romance.

Covered Bruises A6 Art Print

A really lovely art print made by Covered Bruises. I would totally get this tattooed tbh.

Exclusive Witch Casket Badge

This pretty badge comes in a little pink sachet. Will attach it to my leather jacket so I'm officially part of the coven ♥

Rose Incense Cones

Again, you can never have enough good smelling things. These here are perfect to put you in a mediating mood.

Brass Incense Burner

The fitting burner to keep your cones safe. It looks super cute when the smoke is coming out softly of the top and through the stars!

Rose Quartz Tumbled Stone & Info Card &
White & Pink Through-Coloured Candles

I really needed one a Rose Quartz in my collection! It's known for its positive effect in love, family, self-love and romantic but also helps you with anxiety so keep it close to your heart. The candles are very helpful for spells and rituals, especially when you want to use love spells.

Guardian Angel Bracelet/Anklet

I'm wearing this around my right wrist now and love it so much! The little bells chime softly when I move my arm :)

Love Brew Loose Leaf Rose Tea &
Charm Bag & Bath/Shower Ritual Kit

I will try the tea together with the bath probably since I love to take a hot beverage with me into the bathtub. The shower ritual kit is such a super cute idea. There's an additional info letter in it too which explains how you can use the kit. It also says you can put any additional amulets, charms or pictures with into the satin bag to enhance specific powers. 

Treasure Chest

Also one of my other favorites in the boxes. I love little things like that because I can store my jewelry or stones in it. The details on this chest are amazing. Wood covered in pretty leaves ♥

Love Crystal Scroll

Lastly the scroll which you can see here in the center. It comes pasted up in a roll and when you open it it feel like you'd receive a letter from Hogwarts! In there is a list & description of specific crystals for love and heart-healing. 

I hope you like this review all in over. This is the second brand offering monthly subscription boxes that I support and I don't want to compare them now since both are completely different. Witch Casket is perfect for the witches over here, Goddess Provisions that I also support is better for spiritual people who also struggle with anxiety and stress. You can subscribe to your box directly here at Witch Casket. They ship worldwide and the price depends on where you are located. Let me know if you came across them over my review and share your own experiences with me


  1. Mint incense have a remarkable benefits and you may use it a special gifts for your Dear ones mint incense cones

  2. Incense cascade burners or incense cascade is a term used to portray reverse incense burners that make a special visualization portraying a cascade of smoke streaming downwards. The smoke cascade falls down the reverse burner like smooth streaming water. incense-waterfall Cascade incense burners are truly intriguing to watch and experience. The visual allure being one of the primary reasons they are so desired

  3. One would nearly expect a monster incense burner to smell of smoke and brimstone, yet that is simply not the situation. dragon incense burner In any event, not with these mythical serpent incense burners! All things considered, these mythical serpent reverse incense burners are ideal vessels to assist you with making the most of your #1 incense aroma. Being animals of fire and smoke, these smoke breathing winged serpent incense burners are glad to consume incense for you and wouldn't fret getting the cinders by the same token

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    in short blog is good and informative . Kindly keep writing. are you share again such type of info ??
