March 30, 2017

Why White/Silver Hair can be really stressful sometimes + Fanola No Yellow Shampoo Review, Maria Nila and Manic Panic

Hey Guys! 

I recently research a lot on hair care products and came across some new products, including a new shampoo for white and silver hair which I really wanted to give a try and review for you. It's made by the brand Fanola, an in Italy based company. Their products are all cruelty-free and vegan as far as I know since they produce in Italy where animal testing is illegal.
I noticed that the shampoo is really popular and hard to get but I gladly got my hands on one bottle. If you are from Germany you can order it via Amazon.

The shampoo has a really nice smell. It's a bit fruity and flowery at the same time. As you can see the color is an intense violet-blueish, the main point of silver shampoos. This one here is very strong in pigments what is a good sign to me. On the package it says you have to apply it on your wet hair and leave it in for about 1 to 5 minutes.

So but before going on I want to show you how my hair looked before. Note that it is really hard for me to show you this mess haha :D I was dying my hair only on the roots the last times to cover up the yellow and used grey hair dyes on it only. Then I stopped using them and after a couple of hair washes my hair turned totally green and yellow. Probably because of the yellow undertone. The bleaching part before already failed as well as I was using 6% developer instead of 9%. I felt so uncomfortable really. I mean the rest of my hair was nice but the part between my dark roots and the rest of my hair, no. Just no.

Below I tried the Fanola shampoo in hope to get rid of it, but the only thing that happened was that it turned my hair kind of blue, and only the parts which weren't this green yellowish.

So then I decided to bleach it in hope to get rid off the green color. I bought my usual bleaching stuff in 9% from the hairdressing equipment shop. I bleached it once, then for another time on some dark parts which I I had missed before. The bleached part was pretty much yellow in compare to the rest because I didn't bleached my ends to avoid damage, only the 'ugly green part'. Then I used the Fanola shampoo again and I have to say it covered up the slightly yellow roots pretty good! But, the rest of my hair, again, turned blueish. Since the shampoo is very strong and pigmented you have to be careful and try out what works best for your own hair. I wouldn't leave it on for too long because it will turn your hair blue, except you are fine with that. Doesn't have to be bad :) My problem was just that the freshly bleached part didn't soaked up the shampoo that well but I wanted to achieve the same color all in over.

So now it's getting interesting: Still feeling uncomfortable, I decided to give Maria Nila another time, but not the Black Refresh, this time I went back to the Pearl Silver which I haven't used in a long time. I have reviewed both products already here and here before. This brand was always my favorite all in over and it went viral after I published my reviews and opinion on it. So, here we have my blueish, still lightly yellow hair. I used lots of pumps of the pearl silver and massaged it with care into my hair, especially on the roots. Additionally I decided to put a bit of Manic Panic in color "Pretty Flamingo" in my tips as I got it on the London Edge and really love this Flamingo Peach colors. I left both in for around an hour or even longer(got distracted from work haha).

And this is how it looks now blow-dried and straightened

The result is breathtaking. Now I remember why I was so fascinated of my first impression of Maria Nila again. It's my personal life saver! By the way you can check out a video of my hair in motion here.
I have to say I really like the pinkish tips but this color is a bit too pink to me. I would prefer to go more for a peachy tone next time like you can see in this post. But for now I'm super happy with my hair, especially the roots! I hope it will last for a while :) And I hope this review gives you an insight on how difficult it is to keep your hair this color and how stressful it can be. My hair is also quite damaged since I haven't been to a hairdresser in years. I will look if I can get an Olaplex treatment soon where I will document everything for you. 


  1. Love your hair! Maria Nilas products are so amazing! x

    1. I know right they're the best! Can't wait to try and review some of their new products as well :) <3

  2. Could you tell me how you brighten your hair? They don't look destroyed

    1. It is damaged actually. When I bleach them I only bleach the roots not the rest. That's very important!

  3. Hi, Fanola products aren't vegan unfortunately, I've just had a message from the company confirming this.

    1. Hey Lexy, thanks a lot for the info! I got in contact with them as well and they have confirmed me that the products are cruelty-free and vegan. You can also check it here
      We can't be 100% sure what's true now so it's up to everyone's own choice :)

    2. Have you red the ingredients ? Hydrolyzed silk is not vegan at all...

    3. No I haven't read them because I don't know what is behind each ingredient. Good to know for the future thank you :)

    4. They just released a new vegan line last week!

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  10. Try 2.Oh! Anti-Yellow Shampoo, Italian-made with blue-violet pigments, designed to neutralize yellow tones and revive shine in colored, highlighted, bleached, and grey hair. Checkout Anti-Yellow Shampoo Thank you
