March 16, 2017

We Are The Coffee Lovers, Mister

Coffee, the smell of fresh brewed coffee in the morning hmmh. No matter if at work, on a day at home in bed with breakfast or on the go to keep your hands warm in autumn and winter. These wonderful coffee breaks and chats with friends sitting in a cozy café. It's simply a part of everything and who doesn't needs its daily dose of caffeine right?

I'd like to introduce you two new products from Natural Mojo which will be fully released on tomorrow the 17th of March. I'm so happy to be the official announcer since I love to share these wonderful news with you and I know that most of you love coffee as much as I do! 

The first product is the Happy Coffeewhich is something very special as it combines coffee together with superfoods like fig essence, acai, maca-root and cocoa powder 🍫🌱 I was really surprised at the first sip as it gives the strong coffee itself a soft and sweet flavour so you don't even need to add any sugar or sweetener to it. Also, coffee is known for its supportive effect for you digestion means it's a personal life saver to me as I have strong problems with that due own stress and pressure(IBS).
You simply pour a  heaped teaspoon (around 7 grams) of it into a french press and add 150ml of hot water. I always double or triple the amount as I like to drink more ;)
I think I don't need to add that it is vegan too since coffee is a natural product in general :)

The second product are the Fit CapsPerfect for the ones who are not a fan of coffee but still need the waking booster to slay their day(or night), especially when wearing platforms like I do! I'm always surprised how someone can't love coffee but Natural Mojo has developed a wonderful alternative exactly for those people and the ones who like to get the double dose of energy. The vegan capsules contain superfoods like chili, green tea, mate and garcinia cambogia helping you to keep you awake and fit. They are also great for sporty people who can take up to three pills a day right before the workout.

I'm personally more a fan of the Happy Coffee since I like to enjoy the taste along with the smell while holding a pretty mug in my hands. Like this morning where it harmonized with the spring sunlight in my Instagram Story if you have seen it too :) 
You can pre-order both products at the Natural Mojo website now and feel free use the code "Kimi" for 15% off at your order. They ship worldwide also!! :3

Let me know your experiences and share them with me! Do you have a favorite coffee brand, type or flavor?


  1. Amazing reviews hun!! I'm the same, I love coffee (maybe too much) Soya lattes or just black americanos are the best, maybe with hint of hazelnut syrup is I feel fancy :) The mug your holding is so pretty! Just like the rest of the photos <3 I may have to try the Natural Mojo as sometimes unfortunately I don't have a time to grab a coffee, and I literally can't function without coffee, I feel like my body is depended on it by this point xD
    Thank you for sharing this my love <3
    Kinga xx

  2. I'm obsessed with your hairstyle! I wish I was talented in that way.

    1. Honestly, I wish I was that talented too! I wouldn't be able to do braids into my hair like that for myself :D
