May 27, 2016

Neko Atsume

Hey my little kitties! I have been a bit absence over the past days here but it's just that I'm really focused on my future and personal life decisions, this is all what I have in mind right now. I might speak about that more in detail later as some of you can probably help me and give me important tips which would mean a lot to me. I either have to slow down my blogging completely or set my focus on my passion but have to take risks in every way. All decisions come with a huge change, hopefully new country, new work, new people, new life. 

"Cats will always guide you to the right path in your life. "

But back to the main topic: Have you heard about the game Neko Atsume already? It should be known to you if you are a cat and kawaii lover like me! I wanted to catch up about this as I feel so inspired by it lately so I just had to create this picture below :3 

I am a bit addicted to a few phone games and play them daily. One of them is called Dream Girlfriend. I think this one is just so super cute and kawaii as well ♥ You have your own girlfriend and you can dress her, talk to her, let her study and much more, it is just so addicting :) The next one is HappyPetStory. It's a bit like Animal Crossing - you have your own house which you can decorate according your wishes, you can play mini games, go fishing, play with other players and so on. I think this is the first game that I got on my new iPhone. The last one is called Mino Monsters 2: Evolution but I don't play it that much anymore as you are forced to pay real cash and I literally have played it completely already except the parts where you have to pay for. Not that I don't like to support such things which I really like but this one is just not enough worth to me. But it is a great game for people who haven't tried it yet! Sometimes I'm getting the feeling that I don't enjoy some games anymore as they take too much time since you're forced to play them concerning different actions, but I just have to, damn addiction. 
Have you experienced that before? 

What are your favorite apps and games on your phone and can you recommend me some? ♥


  1. Hi Kimi! I started to play Happy Pet Story since you told me that it is similar to Pet Party, and i became really obsessed with it. I love Dinner Dash and Crossy Road, wich is so simple but addictive! My favourite apps are youtube and instagram where i follow you :D. I don't have a lot of followers but i don't really care because that is not an important thing. I hope you take the right decisions to be so happy! :)

    1. Hey Dear, thank you so much for trying it out! I'm so glad you like it too! ♥ We should exchange our ID's to add each other! Mine is XPGH5. Diner Dash looks like a lot of fun, I think I'm trying that out today :) and Crossy Road is perfect as a pastime like when you are waiting at the dentist or something x)
      I can agree you that followers are not that important, okey to me they are don't get me wrong, I've met so much lovely people and that's a wonderful thing, however it takes a lot of time and energy what a most forget about it :/
      Much love to you pretty lady ♥

    2. i have just added you! My ID is KSK5A :)

    3. i have just added you! My ID is KSK5A :)

  2. Hello Kimi. About your future and personal life.. Just stay calm. Don't get stressed because you might not know everything at this moment. I know that you'll have a great future and that you'll enjoy every day of your life. Things will be the way they should be and the way you deserve them to be for you. Just always stay you and do what you want to do. Go to places you want to go. Discover new things and/or keep onto the great, little traditional habits, etc. I wish you very much luck and a beautiful day. A lot of love <3

    1. Hey Angel, I've missed you ♥ It is also so strange but so soothing to read your words. It feels like you are my second half, the one who understand what is going on in me and what I really need. If it just would be so easy to just calm down, especially when you are completely on your own where no one can shake you and open your eyes. But your messages are like flower honey to me ♥ Much love back to you little angel, have a beautiful day/week, I'll keep your words in mind everyday ♥♥

    2. ❤️ - It's also a little strange for me to read what you've written. Of course I can't know you as you know yourself, but I feel that I understand you and I try to be as helpful as possible. Being and staying calm is one of the hardest things, but I know that you can do this. And about the last sentences... Hearing this from you means so much to me and thank you so much, you deserve the messages I write for you. I hope you'll have a very nice week and don't stress, everything is going to be fine ;-).

  3. Oh, dumme Zukunft. Mich kotzen diese Fragen und Unsicherheiten echt oft an. Ist sehr schwer sich festzulegen, wenn es so viel Auswahl gibt oder? :D
    Hast du eine Ausbildung oder welchen Abschluss? Magst du weiter modeln, bis es halt nicht mehr geht?
    Ich habe eine Freundin, die selbst Kleider näht und verkauft. Ich bin sehr stolz auf sie, weil sich so etwas keiner traut und es wirklich schwer ist, da regelmäßige Einnahmen zu machen. Aufträge kommen und gehen ja. Aber sie lebt so glücklich und unabhängig. Das ist echt motivierend. Vielleicht kennst du auch ein paar Menschen und Freunde, die ähnliche Wege, wie du gehen.

    1. Ja die Zukunft ist manchmal schlimmer als die Vergangenheit^^ Als geborene Waage ist es besonders schwierig, wenn man dazu auch noch anfängt über all die möglichen Wege und Konsequenzen nachzudenken wird es sehr dramatisch ja, damit habe ich bis heute noch Schwierigkeiten.
      Nach dem Bildungsstand gesehen bin ich nicht sehr weit, dafür besitze ich viel an praktischem Wissen was ich mir selbst angeeignet habe, so Sachen die man in keiner Schule gelehrt bekommt. Modeln und bloggen kann ich mir komplett abschminken wenn ich mich für den einen möglichen Weg entscheide, und das wäre in 3 Monaten.
      Ich bewundere solche Menschen auch so sehr, allein schon wenn ich von deiner Freundin lese. Hätte einfach Angst dass es mal nicht so gut läuft aber so ist es in der Selbständigkeit. Daran muss ich mich bald gewöhnen. In meinem Umfeld überwiegt auch die Angst vor der Überwindung. Darum möchte ich eigentlich diejenige sein, die es anders macht.

  4. I am overwhelmed by your post with such a nice topic. Usually I visit your blogs and get updated through the information you include but today’s blog would be the most appreciable. Well done! neko atsume tricks
