Patreon & Other Updates

I know this text now is quite unrelated to the picture but have something to tell you and would love to speak about :) I'm a bit overwhelmed by the new Blogger design and need to get used to it :D But changes are good so I won't complain. But well yes, changes and new things are good. EDIT: I went back to the old design as I noticed you can change it as I had issues with displaying my posts correctly ^^) 
I decided to jump to another platform called Patreon which you've probably heard of before. There I offer a bunch of different options and things you can choose from, if you want! If you want, I repeat it again. Because nobody is forced to. Starting with a basic trier where you can simply support me with a few euros so I'm able to buy my gluten-free bread every month. A bit more to get insights into my content with pictures/writing before I make it public as well exclusives which I'll share anywhere else. Besides that, which is actually the main reason why I made it and where I put lots of time into these days is the personal consulting session trier where we both can chat or phone and I'll help you with a topic of your choice or several ones that's completely up to you. And it also includes everything else from lower triers! If you know how much consulting normally costs this is a super good offer! I don't beg for money or anything but I simply, in a realistic way don't have the time for example researching vegan products in different countries since each offers different brands and options. This offers that I put my time and care completely into you giving you important advice from years-long(7+ to be exact) knowledge and experience about veganism and health. It's not only about veganism but you can ask me about anything you want! Weekly recipes included with gluten-free options :) And if you're not interested in veganism I give you tips about body positivity, well-being for both body and mind, tips on witchcraft and also custom styling advice for your own unique person. Lastly there's a trier for well, special content. But I only included that because many ask me for lewd content and well, that will be the only place to get access. And I'm not sad if you don't want to or if it's too much money for you. Because it's not my intention in the first place :) But if someone is willing to I know they appreciate my value. And to be realistic, I'm definitely more worth than that number so it's again a really good offer. Since you will see me, not anyone else in this world. Nobody forces you. And I don't sell porn but a body and soul in art form.
I'm already so thankful for everyone who joined and supports me no matter in which way! If you have any questions or wishes feel free to leave them down below here. Here again the link to my Patreon.

Anyway, I will still post here for sure. But there will be my focus and just wanted to make a post about it so you know where I spend most of my time and where we can get even closer to each other :) Lots of love to all of you and I hope you're still safe out there. 


  1. Replies
    1. wow do u really have nothing going on in your life that you hate on someone who is such a positive being

    2. It's sweet of you but I don't see any hate? :) <3

  2. Congrats on your patron, my lovely. Hope you have lots of success there! :)

    How are you holding up with this horrible Cvid situation? I'm starting to crack... I'm from Spain, one of the countries with the worst situation, and in Barcelona we're still in phase 0, so the only thing I'm "allowed" to do is have walks (and only recently) with a very strict time frame. Hope you're doing better in Germany :(

    Take care, cutie, lots of hugs!

    1. Hey love thank you so much!! And yes it's a lot fun there I really enjoy it :)

      Well honestly there's not much of a big difference and..kinda enjoy it? Even if it's harder business-wise and miss traveling, shootings as well meeting important people. But overall I'm good! I'm sorry to hear it's not going too well in your country. Well here the people ignore the rules pretty many people are outside again. I work from home most anyways so like I said before, I don't feel too much of a difference. Hang in there darling! Feel hugged too and take care I'm thinking of you <333
